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written by me
in Edinburgh 

just before moving back to London

in 2025

Since it’ll be yet another year of growth for me (& for us all?) coming to an end fairly soon I’m going to conclusively carry on sharing my internal thoughts, sort of serious, kind of like a mad scientist, but more like an artist - the perfect combination of the two actually - and as I once again pack my bags & make a move, you know what’s back on my mind & should definitely be back on yours too? The great idea of constant evolution & the joy, love, and eternal happiness of being able to weed out the rotten and inauthentic in favour of the fresh and genuine. A very rare skill & something I have spent an extensive amount of time mastering or becoming a master of - and to give credit where credit is genuinely due - I’ve observed and learned how to do it from the very best. You all know who you are. Thank you so, so much. The journey wasn’t & isn’t easy but it is 100% worth it. Every part of it. For example, I never realised I wanted to move back to Scotland & after having done so, I’ve healed & transformed in ways I only understood I needed to subconsciously & finally I feel ready to move back to London now. Soon. I don’t know how to live in one place for more than about six months at a time. Blame it on my upbringing, it wasn’t normal, but who wants normal? I would rather be abnormal & weird all my days than be society’s doormat - where we perpetually platform misogynists (men & women) who continue to trample all over the people (mostly women) they wish to silence & control. Then they get praised for it. If that’s normal - label me a lunatic. That’s also why I don’t like using the words madness, insanity, crazy, etc, when talking about mental health but it is easier to be self-deprecatingly honest than just plain honest because honestly man was born free & everywhere he is chains, & empathy was rationed out, albeit unequally. So, some have it & some don’t - in varying quantities - it’s all selective. Selective listening. Selective empathy. It’s okay. We are who we are. And this is my life. I’m choosing to share it with you & I’m so happy (some of) you are (still) here. Again, you know who you are. Everything on here as always.


2025. Here we come.

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